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Recently I came across a strange issue while creating an approval flow for my CDS custom entity.

The issue is, XrmApprovalsGeneralPermissionsError

I’ll mention only few steps which are required to describe the approval flow issue

  1. When a record is created in the custom entity of CDS
  2. Check if the status is pending, If Yes
  3. Start and wait for an approval

All the steps ran successfully except the “Start and wait for an approval”, every time I tried it used to throw a long error “XrmApprovalsGeneralPermissionsError”


The mentioned solution worked for me

  1. Navigate to Settings ->Security -> Users -> Microsoft Flow
  2. A user named Microsoft flow is present in the CDS
  3. I came across a blog and created a new security role and assigned read permission to the System job entity under customizations and assign the newly created role to the Microsoft flow user, but that alone didn’t work to me. Apart from that, I assigned the Approval Administrator and Common data service user role to Microsoft flow user and then it worked for me

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Published inPower Automate