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Search power apps gallery from CDS based on multiple inputs

In this post, I’m focusing on how to search galleries based on inputs from multiple controls.

In the below example, I have added a textbox against the “City” label, named “City”.

Another textbox named “Phone”.

A radio button named “Radio1

A gallery named “Gallery2”.

Now in the gallery I’ll filter the CDS Contacts with input in City, Phone and Radio1.

I have added below code for this scenario.

In this scenario, if city and phone contains data and radio button is equal to owner, 


    !(City.Text = “”) && !(Phone.Text = “”) && Radio1.Selected.Value = “Owner”,

It will search for all three criteria where the “Job title” is equal to owner and displays the result in the gallery.




            ‘Job Title’ = “Owner”,


                ‘Address 1: City’,




//Here it is searching the data using one text box in multiple fields






Please find the complete code below


    !(City.Text = “”) && !(Phone.Text = “”) && Radio1.Selected.Value = “Owner”,




            ‘Job Title’ = “Owner”,


                ‘Address 1: City’,









Published inPower Apps Canvas